Individual Members elected by the Council
Institutional Members and Representatives
Health Sciences University (formerly AECC University College) - Bournemouth, United Kingdom
Kevin McGhee PhD, SFHEA, FRSB - Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Barcelona College of Chiropractic - Spain
Adrian Wenban B.Sc.(Anat), B.App.Sc.(Chiro), M.Med.Sc.(Clin Epi), P.Gr.Dip.(Med Ed).- Principal
Durban University of Technology - Dept. of Chiropractic - Durban, RSA
Desiree Varatharajullu M.Tech (Chiro) SA, PhD(Health Sciences), P.Gr.Dip(Business Admin)- Head of Department: Chiropractic (Acting)
Institut Franco-Européen de Chiropraxie - Paris and Toulouse, France
Olivier Lanlo DC LL.M - Directeur Général
McTimoney College of Chiropractic - Abingdon and Manchester, United Kingdom
Christina Cunliffe PhD, DC, CBiol, FRSB, FRCC - Principal
RCU Escorial Maria-Cristina (Madrid College of Chiropractic)- Madrid, Spain
Alessandro Laganà MChiro, MPhil, PhD (Cognitive Sciences), PGDip MedEd - Director of Studies
Syddansk Universitet - Dept. of Sports Sciences & Clinical Biomechanics - Odense, DK
Henrik Hein Lauridsen D.C., M.Sc., Ph.D.- Director of Studies
University of Johannesburg - Faculty of Health Sciences - Dept. of Chiropractic, RSA
Chris Yelverton - Mtech (Chiro) SA Head of Department
University of South Wales - Welsh Institute of Chiropractic - Pontypridd, Wales, UK
David Byfield BSc Hons, DC, MPhil, FBCA, FRCC, FFEAC, SFHEA
University of Zurich - Poliklinik für Chiropraktische Medizin, Switzerland
Dr. Mirjam Baechler, DC MMEd